Among Us
Murder Mafia
Murder Mafia

Murder Mafia

Murder Mafia is a social deduction party game that is similar to games like Mafia, Werewolf, and Among Us. Players take on different roles and work together to identify the Mafia members or the killers while the Mafia tries to eliminate the other players. Please note that the specific mechanics and rules may vary based on the version or variant of the game you're playing. Here's a general overview of how the game is typically played

The objective of Murder Mafia is to identify and eliminate the Mafia members or the killers if you're a civilian, while the Mafia aims to eliminate the civilians without getting caught.


  1. Roles Assignment: Players are assigned roles at the beginning of the game. These roles include Civilians (Innocents), Mafia Members Killers, and possibly additional roles with special abilities.

  2. Daytime Discussion: The game alternates between two phases: daytime and nighttime. During the daytime, players discuss and deliberate on who they suspect might be the Mafia members or killers. Players try to persuade others to vote for a specific player to be eliminated.

  3. Voting: After the discussion, players vote on who they believe is a Mafia member or killer. The player with the most votes is eliminated and reveals their role to the group. If the player was indeed a Mafia member, the civilians are one step closer to winning. If the eliminated player was a civilian, the Mafia gains an advantage.

  4. Nighttime Actions: During the nighttime phase, players close their eyes, and specific roles (like the Mafia) perform actions secretly. The Mafia members choose a player to eliminate, while other roles may have abilities like protecting or investigating other players.

  5. Revelation: After nighttime actions are completed, the Moderator or the game's system reveals the results. The player eliminated by the Mafia is announced, and any other relevant actions are disclosed.

  6. Repeat Rounds: The game continues with alternating daytime and nighttime phases. Players continue to discuss, vote, and use their roles' abilities to figure out the Mafia members or killers.

  7. Winning Conditions:

    • Civilians Win: Civilians win if they eliminate all Mafia members.
    • Mafia Wins: Mafia wins if they equal or outnumber the remaining civilians, or if they eliminate key roles like the Detective or Medic.

Game Mechanics and Rules

  • Roles: Each player is assigned a specific role, which determines their abilities and goals in the game. Common roles include Civilians, Mafia Members, Detective who can investigate other players, Medic who can protect players from the Mafia, and more.

  • Discussion: Open discussion and debate are crucial for identifying suspicious behavior and deducing who might be the Mafia members.

  • Voting: Players vote on who they believe is a Mafia member or killer. The player with the most votes is eliminated, and their role is revealed.

  • Nighttime Actions: Special roles often have actions they can take during the nighttime phase. These actions are typically performed secretly.

  • Moderator: The game is usually overseen by a Moderator who guides the game, enforces the rules, and announces results.

  • Hidden Information: The Mafia members' identities are hidden, so they work to blend in while plotting their eliminations.

Remember that the specific rules and mechanics can vary between different versions or variants of Murder Mafia. It's essential to clarify the rules before starting the game to ensure everyone understands their roles and how the game progresses.



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